Rules |
Violations |
Severity |
NewlineAtEndOfFile |
0 |
Error |
Translation |
0 |
Error |
ConstantName |
0 |
Error |
LocalFinalVariableName |
0 |
Error |
LocalVariableName |
0 |
Error |
MemberName |
0 |
Error |
MethodName |
0 |
Error |
PackageName |
0 |
Error |
ParameterName |
0 |
Error |
StaticVariableName |
0 |
Error |
TypeName |
0 |
Error |
IllegalImport |
0 |
Error |
RedundantImport |
0 |
Error |
UnusedImports |
0 |
Error |
FileLength |
0 |
Error |
0 |
Error |
MethodLength |
0 |
Error |
ParameterNumber |
0 |
Error |
EmptyForIteratorPad |
0 |
Error |
MethodParamPad |
0 |
Error |
NoWhitespaceAfter |
0 |
Error |
NoWhitespaceBefore |
0 |
Error |
OperatorWrap |
0 |
Error |
ParenPad |
0 |
Error |
TypecastParenPad |
0 |
Error |
TabCharacter |
0 |
Error |
ModifierOrder |
0 |
Error |
RedundantModifier |
0 |
Error |
AvoidNestedBlocks |
0 |
Error |
LeftCurly |
0 |
Error |
NeedBraces |
0 |
Error |
RightCurly |
0 |
Error |
AvoidInlineConditionals |
2 |
Error |
DoubleCheckedLocking |
0 |
Error |
EmptyStatement |
0 |
Error |
EqualsHashCode |
0 |
Error |
IllegalInstantiation |
0 |
Error |
InnerAssignment |
0 |
Error |
MissingSwitchDefault |
0 |
Error |
RedundantThrows |
0 |
Error |
SimplifyBooleanExpression |
0 |
Error |
SimplifyBooleanReturn |
0 |
Error |
FinalClass |
0 |
Error |
HideUtilityClassConstructor |
0 |
Error |
InterfaceIsType |
0 |
Error |
VisibilityModifier |
0 |
Error |
ArrayTypeStyle |
0 |
Error |
GenericIllegalRegexp- message
: "Line has trailing spaces."
- format
: "\s+$"
0 |
Error |
GenericIllegalRegexp- message
: "Use logging instead of System.out"
- format
: "System.out"
0 |
Error |
GenericIllegalRegexp- message
: "Use logging instead of System.err"
- format
: "System.err"
0 |
Error |
TodoComment |
0 |
Error |
UpperEll |
0 |
Error |